Why Small-Scale Personal Blogs Like Lecoccolediamelie are Better than Content from Companies

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Major content sharing platforms like YouTube and WordPress are facing an avalanche of company-sponsored content. This is causing a massive issue for individual content creators who cannot put up with mass-scale investments. But, that’s competition and may the best creators win. The more important question that content consumers need to ask themselves is which is better – content from individuals, or content generated by companies? Here are a few reasons why the latter is worse –

Personal Touch

Blogs like Lecoccolediamelie have become popular because the content is relatable. In personal blogs, the writer writes from his or her own experiences. Everything you read on these blogs is 100% authentic. There is no ‘angle.’ The writer wants to share his or her opinions and experiences with the readers. Companies started noticing this bond between content creators and readers and decided to capitalize on this relationship. They have started generating mass-scale content with the help of offshore writers and AI programs. These companies invest a lot of money (something that individual content creators cannot afford to do) to gain top spots on Google’s search engine results pages. Once they gain attention, they start pushing their products and services. Their goal is to sell, not inform, unlike individual creators.


The company generated blogs lack authenticity because they use unfair methods. They steal content from other websites and post it as their own. Who even knows if the so-called author of these blogs is actual authors at all? On the other hand, individual content creators start small. Only the ones that are authentic and good at what they do gain traction. The information they share is meant to be valuable for the audiences. Their main goal isn’t to push products; it is to help their readers! For instance, individual content creators in the health and nutrition field will always persuade readers to adopt natural methods. In contrast, company-generated content always focuses on pushing their readers to buy products!