After The Age Of 6 Months can babies have cinnamon

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Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for thousands of years. It is known to be rich in a number of phytochemicals and plant chemicals that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease-preventing properties. In fact, cinnamon has been shown to help lower your risk of cancer, diabetes management, and cardiovascular support.

Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that has been used as a food flavoring and medicine for thousands of years. It is known to be rich in a number of phytochemicals that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease-preventing properties, in fact, can babies eat cinnamon, read below to understand its benefits.

Cinnamon May Help Lower Your Risk of Cancer

There is some evidence that cinnamon can lower your risk of cancer, particularly the types that affect the digestive system and prostate gland.

The spice contains compounds called polyphenols and coumarin, which have been shown to have anti-tumor properties in animals.

In one study from 2012, researchers gave mice cinnamon supplements for three weeks before injecting them with human colon cancer cells. The group given cinnamon had a lower number of tumors than those not given it; however, this study was done on mice so more research needs to be done before we know if these results will translate into humans taking cinnamon supplements for their health benefits when it comes to preventing cancer formation.

Weight Loss

In addition to being a heart-healthy spice, cinnamon may help reduce the risk of obesity, Cinnamon is a natural appetite suppressant, so it can help you feel full longer, which means you’ll consume less food overall, which can be helpful when trying to lose weight.

Cinnamon may also help reduce your cravings for sugary foods and drinks by lowering insulin levels in your body. In turn, this will keep your blood sugar levels balanced and prevent spikes that cause cravings for more sweets or starchy foods.

Diabetes Management

Traditionally, cinnamon has been used to help manage diabetes, cinnamon may help lower blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity and the body’s ability to use insulin,  it may also reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels, both of which can lead to heart disease.

Cinnamon is considered safe when consumed in small amounts by healthy adults, however, it’s not known whether babies can safely consume cinnamon past the age of 6 months or if it’s safe for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Cardiovascular Support

Cinnamon, a spice that comes from the bark of various trees found in Asia and Africa, has been shown to help lower blood pressure, it’s also rich in antioxidants and may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cinnamon may help reduce the risk of neural tube defects in babies during pregnancy, Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the bark of a tree and may be taken in capsule form, or as a tea, it is not effective if you are already pregnant.

Brain Function

  • Brain function, cinnamon may help boost brain health, thanks to its antioxidant properties, antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize free radicals molecules with unpaired electrons, which are known to cause cell damage and oxidative stress.
  • Studies show that antioxidants like cinnamon may help protect against age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. In one such study, participants who consumed 1.5 grams of cinnamon per day for 12 months improved their scores on tests evaluating working memory, processing speed, and executive function compared to placebo control subjects.