CV Photo: Which Photo To Choose For A Successful Application?

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Sober and sophisticated? Stuffed or relaxed? What size? You ask yourself a multitude of questions about this photo that you want to appear on your CV, and you are right: the photo that comes to illustrate your application is the first image that the recruiter will receive from you, it will allow him to have a first idea of ​​who you are. It is therefore important that your CV photo is representative of your personality while respecting a few codes of decency.

If there is nothing obligatory on the CV, the photo remains an element that is good to present with your application so that the employer knows at the outset who he or she is dealing with. You must prove via your image who you are while being in line with the sector of activity in which you are applying. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to be original on their CV.

Here are some photo tips:

What Format For My CV Photo?

As you can imagine, the photo should not be half the page on which your CV is based. It will also not be necessary to arm yourself with a double decimeter to know if it will have the right dimensions. There are no strict regulations in this area. Prefer therefore a photo adapted to the proportions of your CV, neither too large nor too small, ideally the size of an identity photo, preferably placed at the top right of the document, alongside your contact details.

Smile Or Not Smile On My CV Photo?

No need to force yourself to smile to the fullest to sell yourself properly with the company. An open face and a smile outline should suffice. A closed face could send a bad image of you back to the employer, just as an overly expansive face could make you look like someone who is a bit light. The whole is to adopt “you do” casual attitude, with a presence in look. Your CV photo must also make the recruiter want to meet you first hand during a job interview.

Colour Picture Or Black And White?

Even if some people could find black and white more advantageous for their portrait, in 2020, switching to chromatic photo seems inevitable. More equivocal, livelier, it brightens up your CV and all of the sections relating to your professional career. However, photos that are too contrasting or with too high a brightness should be left out.