Different Things To Know Before You Watch Disney +

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If you thought Netflix is the best then you must watch out for what is coming up. This world-famous and popular streaming service will now face stiff competition from Disney, which is set to launch its new streaming service. however, everyone may not be able to watch Disney + because it will be a direct-to-consumer streaming service that will be able to the people living in the US only. People from other parts of the world will have to wait to watch it because the Walt Disney Company has not come up with any announcement regarding it yet.

List of original programs distributed by Disney+ - Wikipedia

Get a free VPN

If you do not want to wait till there is some announcements or do not know how to watch Disney + right now, you can use a VPN, either free or paid. This will enable you to watch Disney movies, Star Wars, High School Musical, Captain Marvel series and much more. However, there are few tricks to get a free VPN which is good, safe and secure. There are lots of VPNs that will offer premium features for free and there may be some that may even offer a money back guarantee. However, make sure that you choose a reliable service after thorough research. 

Getting Disney + subscription

A VPN will allow you to watch Disney + though it does not have a global account option. Unfortunately, till now there are no specific updates or details of the subscription plans of Disney +. However, to know whatever is available on its progress and updates, you may sign up on the preview website of Disney +. You will know how exactly you can access Disney + library even if you do not live in the US. You will know what to do to view the library even if the content is blocked in the country you live in.