What to Know About Speed Bumps

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Road safety is a priority for the Peruvian authorities. To achieve and maintain it, the installation of various elements is essential, among which the speed bumps stand out. Despite the variety of designations, they all serve the same function: ensuring drivers’ and pedestrians’ safety.

Although they are standard on the streets, they are crucial pieces in road safety, and we find them daily while we walk through the streets; there are some doubts about them. To provide clarity to potential buyers, we will address and answer several frequently asked questions about them. Remember to approach us if you want high-quality copies at competitive prices.

What Does It Consist Of?

They are designed to slow down vehicles, ensure pedestrian safety, avoid damage to cars and various legal problems. They have the objective of regulating vehicular traffic when entering a conflict area. Thus, they provide optimal speed control, which reduces the risk of accidents and guarantees harmony between the environment and the public space users.

The speed bump distinguished by its shape protruding from the pavement and through it from end to end to make drivers reduce speed. It has become a crucial piece throughout the world and has saved thousands of lives since the formation of urban spaces. A traffic sign usually accompanies them to limit speed, for example, posters. Also, they have yellow stripes so that they are visible and warn about their presence.

Its dimensions vary according to the manufacturers. They can be designed less than a meter in length or more than two meters in length. They are commonly installed due to the need to control traffic in one direction of movement and high risk of collisions, such as schools, shopping centers, pedestrian crossings, etc. They must be visible, as they can pose a risk to drivers. If the latter pass very quickly over them, two things will happen:

  • It will act as a ramp and cause vehicles to shoot out or drivers to lose control.
  • The vehicle’s suspension system will be damaged, or other components will be damaged depending on the impact received or the range of the specimen.